Team Overview
Starz Gold 12U (07)- Meriwether is a team that believes in fundamental development. We believe that girls EARN their spots on the field through hard work and hustle. Your playing time is a direct reflection of how hard you work both on and off the field.
Team Head Coach
Coach Jack Meriwether has coached softball for six years at both the rec and competitive travel levels. He is a coach that believes in development and fundamentals through hard work and hustle, while still being mindful that softball is a game and games are fun!
Team Tryout Information
Tryout Dates and Times:
Tuesday 7/24/18 (7:30 – 9:00 PM)
Saturday 7/28/18 (1:00 – 3:00 PM)
Tryout Location: Battlefield Park Elementary, 5501 Mechanicsville Tnpk. Mechanicsville, VA 23111 – Google Map
Team Information
Practices per Week: 2
Practice Location: Battlefield Park Elementary, 5501 Mechanicsville Tnpk. Mechanicsville, VA 23111 – Google Map
Out of Town Travel: 25%
Players Permitted to Play League Ball? Yes
Facebook Page: Starz Gold 12U 07
Team Goals:
Our goals are to develop our players to play at the next level. Wins are important, but fundamentals and development are more important.
Team Notes:
- Williamsburg Starz Gold is the premier fastpitch organization in the state of Virginia.
- We offer unprecedented access to college players, college coaches and get invited to the most prestigious invite-only tournaments.
Team Photos

Team Contact Information
Name: Jack Meriwether
Email Address:
Phone Number: 703-498-4130